Tag Archives: video

Introduction Video

The Introduce yourself video was a fun assignment that helped me to learn about using my computer’s webcam and publishing to youtube.  I had some bumps on the road in the process of getting my video made and then turned in in the correct format, but the lesson I am taking away is how important it is to give yourself plenty of time, and to be patient with yourself, when learning how to use new technology.

The Introduction Video is an example of the AECT Standard 2.4: Integrated Technologies; encompassing several forms of media under the control of the computer.  I used photo booth and imovie to create the video and then uploaded it to youtube.

I see myself using the skills I learned in this video in future courses I teach when I would want to do a more traditional lecture lesson.  If I were teaching an online Math or Physics course I could see posting short videos of me explaining examples that students could watch before working on similar practice problems.  I think the key to this approach would be to have the videos be short, so that students wouldn’t be tempted to skip ahead, and to make sure the examples are directly applicable to the following problems.