Category Archives: 4.4 Information Management

Information management involves planning, monitoring, and controlling the storage, transfer, or processing of information in order to provide resources for learning.

RSS Feeds Assignment

Really Simple Syndication or RSS is a way of turning the internet around:  instead of

you navigating to your favorite websites they send new content to you.  The analogy of going to a Redbox to rent a movie vs. ordering one on Netflix is fitting, except RSS has no limit on how many websites you can subscribe to.

I plan on using RSS to help share content with other teachers I collaborate with.  As the only physics teacher at the high school where I work, I have a lot of emails and file sharing back and forth with other physics teachers.  This could be a way of sharing websites in an organized fashion.

My students could use RSS feeds to do research for group projects and to stay updated on developments in the sciences.  With all of the recent developments in particle physics I have many students and friends interested in finding more quality information on physics.  I could develop a folder of physics websites to share with those who are curious.

My RSS for Education link

My RSS folder for education has some resources on education in general, and some specific to math and physics education.  The RSS fits the AECT standard of 4.4 Information Management.

Learning Log Assignment

Setting up my learning log was a learning experience.  Each step in the set up

I was overwhelmed with my Learning Log AND with an abundance of squash from my garden that weekend.

seemed simple enough, but I was reminded that importing files and posting links is not always a seamless process.  There were several glitches along the way that took me a long time to iron out, and made me remember how important it is to give myself plenty of time when working with new tech tools.

Creating and continuing to add to my learning log will align with the AECT Standards 2 Development and 4.4  Information Management.  Standard 2 involves developing course materials using a variety of media including print, video, and computer based technologies.  As of writing this reflection, I have already made my introduction video,worked with RSS feeds (a computer based technology) and done many written reflections in my learning log.  Standard 4.4 relates to how to share these resources once they have been created.  Each time I create a video, RSS feed, etc, I must then post it to my learning log, share it with my instructor, and in a discussion forum with my class.  This requires the development of digital file management skills that will be useful in my future teaching.