This blog was created to be a record of my learning as I complete my Masters in Educational Technology at Boise State University.

Boise, ID

It has been a long road that brought me to this program.  I grew up in Cincinnati, OH, and was lucky enough to go to a small all girls Catholic school.  Yes, I do count that as lucky, because the small classes and safe atmosphere helped me to love math and science, something I now realize is rare for female students.

I got my undergrad degree at Washington University in St Louis.  As one of the few female Physics majors, I had to learn to adapt to a completely different learning environment from my all girls high school.

After graduation I took several years to explore, working in Northern Arizona as a raft trip guide, living in Park City and skiing every day, and spending a summer in Alaska.  Once it was time to leave the seasonal, move every six months life, I chose teaching as my profession, moved to Boise, and got my teaching certification at Boise State University.

I teach Physics and Math at Timberline High School.  The decision to pursue my masters in EdTech was based upon the desire to stay current with rapidly changing technology developments, and also the desire to broaden my career options.

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